Tuesday, 22 April 2014

£5 Wargamer Challenge!

I thought I'll brush up (no pun) my painting experience by part-taking in the £5 Wargamer Challenge! that's on Facebook.  The challenge entails you to purchase a miniature for £5 or under (excluding postage) paint it up and sell it on eBay again with a starting price of 99p. The participant with the highest winning bid will win a gift from the the group and bragging rights!

It's seems like a fun project but also get me to start painting again having been sidetracked by work.

This is the second challenge this group have set with the current theme being 'Mayday' or 'For the Emperor', or on both if you like! 

I'd purchased the Dark Angel Librarian model from the Dark Vengeance set since there were a lot of cheap auctions of this model going.  I managed to win this at 99p though delivery cost was £2.  The model is with me now and I've already base coated part of the armor, though it shows I need a lot of painting time to even get it to table top standard.  Well post more progress soon!

If you want to join this challenge please head to the following link: https://www.facebook.com/events/235847326607244/.

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