A week ago I received my Black Sailors Orcs from Bigchild Creative. This was from their successive KickStarter campaign. As you can see from the following pictures I had spent a hefty sum on this campaign! Though it was still worth it considering what you get, including the freebies (the last two pics).
What was so attractive with this KS were the artist/sculptors behind it. On board this project were Christian Hardy, Raul García Latorre, Allan Carasco, Joaquín Palacios, Pedro Fernández and Patrick Masson, just to name a few. These are some of the best sculptors in the miniature world, and guys I follow. Also behind the boxart were Marc Masclans, Sergio Calvo Rubio, Edouard Negre and Alfonso Giraldes, just a handful of brilliant painters. So his KS pretty much had an all star line up.
The models were enclosed a clamshell plastic case packed in a gold bar shaped packaging. Though the boxes were well designed it wasn't well constructed, as the glue on the seams were coming off. The front of the case there is a flap which can be flipped upwards to see the model. Not sure if this was necessary, though a nice touch. Each box contained the box art picture of the respective model, so you can always follow their colour scheme. These aren't your typical gaming models as they are scaled at 54mm, so they stand around 75mm.
I was very pleased by all the cast of the models. All the details that the sculptors had come through. The only issue I had was the Goblin King which had a chip on the top corner of his crown though this can be easily fixed by greenstuff. What I didn't expect were additional parts added to some models to give you the option of variation. For example the Cartographer has the option of holding a quill instead of a rifle. Looking at each parts I can say they should be easily put together and don't really need much cleaning and filling.
I don't think I have the skills to justify painting these guys up yet, having seen the boxarts. Though these will definitely be fun to paint going by what the painters have done.