Sunday, 23 March 2014

Military in Miniature Event (Guildford 22rd March 2014)

Due to work I've haven't had chance to update this blog or do any painting or gaming.  It's been tough going not to involve yourself in something you're interested in.  Hopefully now I can pick this up without much disruption.

One thing that I want to get do more is to attend model events.  Having done some research I found that there are numerous events in the UK held by local clubs.  There are big events like the Warhammer ones and Salute which most people know, but I want to attend these smaller ones just to see what the local communities were doing and also see the local artists.

I've already missed a few since the beginning of the year, therefore I didn't want to miss anymore.  Scouring the web I found that the next event was Military in Miniature held in Guildford.  This event was held in partnership with the Guild Games Club and British Model Soldier Society (BMSS) and I'll believe it's the first one they've done. The Guild Games Club had games available to introduce newcomers or to have some fun.  The (BMSS) held a painting competition which consisted of different categories.  All of the models on display were really well painted, though there were two entries that really caught my eye which was a customised Sci-fi ogre and a Imperial Guard diorama.

There were also a few traders on show which was interesting to see though the only product I bought was a cheap Reaper figure, since the traders there were attending the Salute show, I'll be saving my money till then! On show was an interesting new gaming company introducing their skirmish game Anyaral: The World of Twilight.  I spoke to the owner (completely forgot to ask his name!) and I was intrigued by what was on offer and the world he has created.  This is a new Kickstarter set which I have came by before online. The models created were unique and offer something different from the games available.  

All-in-all I was pleased I'd attended the event.  Everyone was welcoming and was nice to speak to gamers and painters alike to get their insight of the hobby.   I left before the winners of the painting competitions were announced though I got the feeling not as people participated as they would have liked.  Though since this is the first event BMSS have held in collation with Guild Games Club I'm sure it will grow and I'll definitely will participate next year.

Please find photos of the event, or view them here

BMSS Competition